woman in white t-shirt

Relaxing Massage

A gentle, nurturing massage to aid restful sleep and combat stress.

What is a relaxing massage?

A relaxing massage is designed to calm your nervous system, typically with gentle pressure and slow motions across the whole body. By encouraging the mind to slow down first, a relaxing massage can also help to ease muscular tension.

Benefits of Relaxing Massage

A soothed mind and body for a restful night's sleep

A drop in stress levels

Muscles that feel looser and more relaxed

During the treatment

This massage uses light pressure and flowing strokes for a calming, soothing experience. Your therapist might also treat your head, face and neck for full-body relaxation.

How do relaxing massage relieve stress?

Massages help with stress relief largely because of the way human touch activates your relaxation response. Studies show that touch activates the vagus nerve, lowering brain activity in regions associated with danger and stress.

A massage works the same way to switch off the stress response. Sweeping, slow massage strokes invite the body to deeply relax. Combine your massage with deep breathing, a playlist of your choice and scented candles to enhance the effect.

I'm pregnant, can I book a relaxing massage?

No, it's not recommended. Try our pregnancy massage instead, suitable from your second trimester.

When should I hold off on booking a massage?

To keep you and your therapist safe, it’s important to hold off on getting a massage if you’re unwell with a fever or flu-like symptoms, or if you have a contagious skin disease.

Therapists have the right to cancel your treatment if they think it will harm you or them in any way.

If you have a health condition and you’re not sure about booking a massage, consult your GP for advice beforehand.